Friday, July 17, 2009

Hello Again, Mr. Blog. Let's Get Better Aquainted

Hello dar!

I have realized that I've been neglecting this blog. I reach that awareness towards the close of yet another pathetic ten-hour Facebook splurge, hand strapped to my mouse, mindlessly surfing through the thousands of classmates' pictures and wall posts. Well, naturally, one can only be entertained by comparing one's IQ, typing speed, or personality type with that of your elementary-school-acquaintance-in-passing, Bill, for so long. So here I sit, searching for a new, more effective medium through which to expend my thought processes, while still maintaining that psychological need to make less-than-efficient use of my time while sitting in front of a computer screen.

Now, if only my life was interesting enough to talk about...

Well, you're not interested in hearing about my life anyway, right? Right! Because I know you must be just as tired of those random, meaningless Facebook "updates", as I am. So MY goal for this Blog is not to dish out the mundane happenings of my every day to your already disengaged focus, but to comment and give my opinions on various aspects of the things that either tick me off, or interest me enough to talk about.

Basically, from here on out I'm going to talk about random stuff. I'll lay out for you my take on various things. So check in later!

(Blake receives distant echoes back from the lifeless void that is his Blog, indicating that it was to no one in particular he was speaking, which saddened him.)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Flags, More Phobias!

Hello Blog. Hello reader. (Reader is singular not to constitute any sense of connection or personal attachment between you and this writing, but because you are most likely the only one to have read it.) Yes, I know. I am making a second post. I didn't even think I had it in me. But since I do, I might as well dispose my adventures to you (singular). :]

I went to Six Flags yesterday. Smack dab in the middle of Spring Break... Not exactly the most ideal time to go, especially if you're actually expecting any sort of entertainment beyond the accumulative five minutes of total time actively riding the rides. During the eight hours of my being in the park, I was able to ride five rides. That's roughly an hour and a half of waiting in line, per ride. I can't be too complaintive, however, because I can now say that I've ridden on every roller coaster in the theme park. A statistic I'm fairly proud of. Even Mr. Freeze, which, during every one of my visits, has never been operational due to its notorious habit of breaking down. Well, when the opportunity presented itself to me, I was reluctantly willing to look past the ride's precarious track record. And it was definitely worth the two hours of stop-and-go foot-shuffling as well as my mind numbingly wary disposition.

While the anxiousness of waiting in line for Mr. Freeze may have had some detrimental effect on my sanity, nothing can ever compare to the other side effect of those one and a half hour lines. Something which is causing me to cringe as I am recollecting it even now... That something is Six Flags TV, with the same self-promoting commercials replaying themselves over and over and over again as if somehow they expected us to see the ten minute loop only once in our seven hours and fifty five minutes of waiting. The image of the old, pedophile-glasses-wearing tuxedo-clad bald man with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder has permanently stained my mind with his over exaggerated head movements and his maniacal grin. Forever will his galling voice echo in my consciousness... "Six Flag! More Flags! More fun!" ...I doubt I will ever be able to 'sleep' again, in the fullest sense of the word.

All in all the trip was a successful one, despite the mild trauma experienced along the way. It gave me a chance to hang out with my friends, and harden my toleration of creepy, prepubescent old men.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My First Blog!

Hello. Doubt anyone will ever be reading this, but I figured I'd try this thing out. Can't hurt, right?

Well, obviously, I'm new at blogging, with this being my first. Honestly, I've never thought about having one... With the whole 'internet predator' thing being drilled into my head since I was old enough to click a mouse. Well this day I say no more! I'm working on branching out... and who knows? One day when I become famous and my name is thrown around casually and eagerly in every household, this first post will prove a momentous one.

No thoughts as to how far I really want to take this... or how seriously. Though while I'm on Spring Break it wouldn't hurt to toy with the idea. Who knows? Maybe it'll grow on me. :]